Study Tips for Someone Who Doesn’t Study

I have never been the type of student that HAD to study, not to brag but it’s just the truth. Throughout grade school I could make A’s just be being present in the classes. In college, I took good notes and still made A’s with minimum effort. It wasn’t until my first exam in law school that I realized I simply didn’t know HOW to study. Yeah, I read all of those “How to..” posts on Pinterest and advice from upperclassmen, but this is what actually helped me.

If you are like me and just don’t study, here are some tips I have found actually helpful.

1. Take Notes in Class 

When the professor’s voice starts to tone out like the adults in Charlie Brown, it is sooooo super easy to be distracted by Facebook, Instagram, Buzzfeed quizzes, whatever you’re in to. 

BUT here’s my tip: you can take mindless notes WHILE you take a quiz on what type of ice cream you are based on the last song you listened to. JUST TAKE NOTES. 


Now don’t slam me and say “that doesn’t make sense because I’ll still get nothing out of the class.” Annnnnnnd that’s not fully true. If you take notes on the assigned reading (see Tip #2) then while you’re in class you should pick up on the things that you read about and focus on making notes for the pieces of relevant information that the professor states and leave out all of the fluff.

2. Takes Notes on the Assigned Reading 

This one is pretty obvious for law students but it definitely is applicable to everyone. 


There is a reason that the professor assigned the work in the first place, it means something to the test. It is a heck of a lot easier to take notes while you read at your own pace instead of trying to make your little fingers type 800 words a minute to keep up with everything that is being said in class. 

One thing that works for me is making outlines of the reading first based on the titles and subtitles given to you in the book or articles. Then, as you read it is easy to fill in. 

3. Breaks on Breaks on Breaks 

I am a firm believer in naps and mental breaks.


My attention span is somewhere between a Goldfish and an Australian Shepherd. 

Studying for 30 minutes (or in that range) and then removing yourself from your study place for a snack, a walk, an episode on Netflix, etc. IS SO HELPFUUUUUUL. 

For me, this is a time I can let my brain rest and soak in all of that fun information I have been beating into it. I feel ready to explode if I try to study for too long and taking breaks helps me to develop the information and still have some time to enjoy things throughout study days. 

That leads us to the next tip. 

4. Don’t Burn Yourself Out 

Honey, it is not worth it to cram everything you’ve learned in the last four months into one day. It’s just not helpful. But, if you find yourself in that situation where you feel like a newborn trying to learn brain surgery, step away, reset. return. 


5. Teach Yourself 

This has been a scientific study or whatever that teaching the material to someone else is helpful to you to fully be able to explain the concepts. 

Teach yourself first. 

After class you can say it outlaid, think it, write it out, anything you need to do to show yourself that you know the material. This is also helpful to do between switching materials that you’re studying. 

On my drive back from school, I reflect on the things I took away from the course that night. “What are intentional torts? How do you define assault and battery” 

Teaching yourself by reflection lets you see what parts you really picked up on and when you review the rest of the material those will come easier to you.

6. Copy What Other People are Doing 

When in Rome.

My 1L class has a Facebook page and a GroupMe that is so super helpful in sharing tips and advice for studying.

Some people are great studiers and go above and beyond anything reasonable to achieve a passing grade. HOWEVER, there will be others like you that need some advice too. 

A lot of people have shared some helpful apps they use (I have linked some below). Some people will share supplemental material that can simplify the information from class. It is okay to ask other people what is working for them, otherwise you wouldn’t be here with me! 🙂 


Apps I use: 


Paper flash cards are so 1999!


Everything you need for law research. Period. 

Exam Countdown

If you are constantly busy and overbooking your life, this countdown calendar is a good way to organize all upcoming assignments and classes and make sure you are focusing on the more relevant. 


That’s it! I hope you found this somewhat helpful and will successfully pass all of your next exams! 





Side Note:

Something that has NEVER worked for me in the Cornell Method of taking notes. If this has helped you, do your thang boo! Leave a comment with how you use this or if it has worked for you. 


Published by kenzie

A Nashville law student with a passion for fashion and helping others in places I might have fallen short. I’m always sharing tips on life, fashion, and school. I’m an open book. Let’s read together ✨

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