10 Netflix Shows to Binge

I love a good binge. Food. Candy. Boys. Netflix.

With shows dropping new seasons all around, we better get started.



THIS SHOW.. Ugh I love it. There are dreamy guys, crazy drama, bad southern accents, and so much more that I can’t even being to explain. If you love comedy, love drama, and live for shows that you cannot stop watching, you have to watch Insatiable. Now. Right now.

The Good Place 


Okay I JUST got started on this show and I already love it. Kristen Bell is so adorable and hilarious. How could you not love her?


Unbelievable is an important crime show. With the case of Marie Adler becoming popular in the news recently, this show tells the story of good people making terrible decisions. It works through Marie Adler’s story after the rape and all of the hoops she had to jump through. It’s drama, it’s crime, it’s a must.

The Office / Parks and Recreation  


Apologies first. I know it’s basically a sin to lump these two together as one but I had to. They are BOTH my go-to shows for any mood or situation. I love them equally and so do you. Moving on.



It’s spooky season and witches are my favorites. I love me some 90’s and I love sisters.

Dead to Me

I’m just getting into this show too but it is such a good watch. It’s crime with comedy and the story just keeps growing as the two lead women work the solve the crime of one of their husband’s death.

The Keepers


I love a documentary. I love exposing corruption. This show follows the unsolved murder of Cathy Cesnik, a beloved nun and Catholic high school teacher in Baltimore. My roommate suggested this to me one night when we were talking about religious cover-ups.

Santa Clarita Diet 

Drew Barrymore is a queen zombie. Love, love, love. The zombie/gore factor is there but done in a comedic way that just keeps you wanting more and more. The end of season 2…. Omg I need another STAT.

Schitt’s Creek IMG_3556

If you want to see how couture and trailer parks mix you have got to get started with Schitt’s Creek. This sassy, spoiled family takes on a new life after they go broke and are forced to move to a town they bought as a joke. The first few episodes are a little hard to really get into it so stick with it and then you will fall head first into the Creek too.

The West Wing 

Hi, hello. Law student, PoliSci major. I love some political drama. The West Wing takes you into the White House and all of the chaos that can happen there. It is fiction but we can relate today. Plus a 90’s Rob Lowe. Are you kidding?

That’s it for now! There are shows releasing dates for new seasons all the time so we will definitely be jumping back in.

What are some shows you’re loving?

Published by kenzie

A Nashville law student with a passion for fashion and helping others in places I might have fallen short. I’m always sharing tips on life, fashion, and school. I’m an open book. Let’s read together ✨

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