How to Take a Law School Exam

Let’s get honest. Before the first exam, I Googled “what are law school exams,” “How to Take a Law School Exam,” etc. We had a lot of guest speakers come and they all said the same thing: “The exams are all essay questions and will just test your ability to take a test, not theContinueContinue reading “How to Take a Law School Exam”

10 Netflix Shows to Binge

I love a good binge. Food. Candy. Boys. Netflix. With shows dropping new seasons all around, we better get started. Insatiable  THIS SHOW.. Ugh I love it. There are dreamy guys, crazy drama, bad southern accents, and so much more that I can’t even being to explain. If you love comedy, love drama, and liveContinueContinue reading “10 Netflix Shows to Binge”

Why Should I Go to College?

If you’re looking for a sign, this is it. SO you’re about to graduate high school or you’ve taken some time off and you’re considering furthering your education. I say GO FOR IT. There is something about this culture that pressures individuals to go to college to prove that they can “make it in theContinueContinue reading “Why Should I Go to College?”

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